Access all recordings on our YouTube channel here! Presentation Link ASB work programme 2024.25 Differences between public and private sector Interaction of GRAP 32 and GRAP 109 interaction between GRAP 11, the Housing Guideline and GRAP 23 The Role and Purpose of the Conceptual Framework Accrual accounting Current and non-current vs order of liquidity Consistency vs Comparability Providing information that is not required by the Standards of GRAP Substance over form Materiality Basic Principles GRAP Reporting Framework 2023 – 24 How to account for naturally occurring, non-purchased water Knowing the state of a municipality's finances Overview of Expenditure Overview of revenue What is the CFS and why is it important Overview of assets Overview of liabilities How are financial statements prepared Why government should account for its assets Principles we use when preparing financial statements Overview of financial statements Overview of Financial Reporting Addressing common questions on depreciation Revaluation of assets Fully depreciated assets Classification of assets Accounting for land using title deeds only About the ASB and its work How to use the Standards of GRAP Reporting frameworks in the Public Sector GRAP Reporting Framework 2023 onwards Improving the quality of FS Are the Standards of GRAP linked to international standards