ED 205 - Proposed Exposure Draft on Social Benefits - Measurements |
ED 205 - Proposed Exposure Draft on Social Benefits |
ED 200 - Feedback from Post-implementation Review of GRAP 109 Accounting by Principals and Agents |
ED 200 - Post-Implementation Review of The Standard of GRAP on Accounting by Principals and Agents |
ED 197 - IPSASB Exposure Draft on proposed Conceptual Framework Update: Chapter 3, Qualitative Characteristics and Chapter 5, Elements in Financial Statements |
ED 191 - Proposed IPSAS on Non current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations |
ED 190 - IPSASB ED 78 Property, Plant and Equipment |
ED 188 IPSASB ED on Conceptual Framework Update and ED 189 IPSASB ED on Measurement |
ED 180 - Feedback on GRAP 103 Post-implementation review |
ED 187 - IPSASB ED 74 Leases |
ED 186 - IPSASB ED 74 Borrowing Costs |
ED 177 - Proposed Transitional Provisions for GRAP 104 |
ED 176 - Proposed improvements to standards of GRAP |
ED 175 - Measurement |
ED 174 - The Application of Standards of GRAP |
ED 173 - ED 67 Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief |
ED 172 - Transitional Provisions for CET colleges |
ED 171 - Consultation on work programme 2021 to 2023 |
ED 168 and ED 169 |
ED 167 - IPSASB Exposure Draft on Revisions to Financial Instruments |
ED 166 - Accounting for Landfill Sites |
ED 164 and ED 165 - Adjustments to Revenue |
ED 163 - IPSASB's Exposure Draft on Improvements to IPSAS 2018 |
ED 162 - IPSASB Exposure Drafts on Strategy and work plan |
ED 161 - Leases |
ED 160 - Social Benefits |
ED 151 - Proposed IGRAP on Recognition and Derecogntion of Land |
ED 149 - Proposed Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting |
ED 144 to 148 - Interest in other entities |
ED 143 - Living and Non-living Resources |
ED 141 - Employee Benefits |
ED 138 - Identifying projects to prioritise on the ASB's work programme |
ED 137 - IPSASB Exposure Draft on Improvements to IPSASs 2015 |
ED 136 - IPSASB Exposure Draft on Impairment of Revalued Assets |
ED 132 - IPSASB's Consultation Paper on Social Benefits |
ED 131 - IPSASB Exposure Draft on The Applicability of IPSASs |